IntertransIS provides high quality consultancy services for the transport and Logistics market.

Besides consultancy, InterTransIS provides information products through the Trademark Tram4U. These products can be fully integrated in your operational systems.

In the transport and logistics market supply chain efficiency is essential. Because many different parties and operators are involved, improving efficiency is complex and requires a thorough knowledge of the business processes. Accurate information and a full overview of the supply chain is the basis of optimization of the alignment of the different means of transport. Fine-tuning arrival times of seagoing vessels with the planning of barges, trains and trucks requires accurate and high added value information. Fine tuning of arrival and departure times reduces fuel costs and waiting time. InterTransIS provides consultancy and advice and, through the Tram4U platform, accurate and high added value information to optimize your transport and logistics. Services of InterTransIS include:

  • Interim management for transport and logistic related companies
    • General management
    • Operational management
    • Financial management
  • Project management
  • Operational management
  • Transport and Logistic optimization consultancy
  • Nautical advice
  • Terminal design
  • Software development for the transport and logistic sector