Integrate Realtime information into your operational process
By use of our standard API information exchange method or by a tailor made information integration IntertransIS can provide realtime information into your own operational system.
Almost all information used in our standard products, can be integrated into your system via our API service. This vary from ISPS integration to vessel or Arrival/departure information from Seagoing or inland vessels. If you require other dedicated information, InterTransIS will build a dedicated interfacing platform based on your requirements.
The benefits of system integration are many. Using our system integration solution you will prevent the listed posible errors.
Wrong information because of typo mistakes
lack of realtime informaton
Delays because of late information from others
Wrong decision making based on old information
For all our information we use several providers thus constant validating the quality of our information sources and our information. By integrating multiple sources in our calculaltions (e.g. meteorological information for our ETA predictions) we provide reliable validated information instead of just "open" information as is.
Integrate Realtime information into your operational process
By use of our standard API information exchange method or by a tailor made information integration IntertransIS can provide realtime information into your own operational system.
Almost all information used in our standard products, can be integrated into your system via our API service. This vary from ISPS integration to vessel or Arrival/departure information from Seagoing or inland vessels. If you require other dedicated information, InterTransIS will build a dedicated interfacing platform based on your requirements.
The benefits of system integration are many. Using our system integration solution you will prevent the listed posible errors.
For all our information we use several providers thus constant validating the quality of our information sources and our information. By integrating multiple sources in our calculaltions (e.g. meteorological information for our ETA predictions) we provide reliable validated information instead of just "open" information as is.
A List of our standard API services
Our team of experts are ready to answer your questions.